This application contains:
- Flags of State
- ColReg-72(- International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea)
- Description of the system IALA (International Association of Lighthouse Authorities)
- ICS (International Code of Signals) Includes signal flags, phonetic alphabet, Morse code
- IMO signs
- IMO Phrases (SMCP) Demo
- Sound and lights signals ColReg-72 (Lights and shapes ColReg-72)
- Reading weather forecasts (NAVTEX Inmarsat-C)
- Maritime and general language dictionaries
- LSA code (International life-saving appliance code. 1-7 Chapters)
- SOLAS-74 (International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea)
- MARPOL 73/78 (Demo)
- Section Ports Info (Demo) contains:
- Port Name
- Country
- Coordinates
- Position on world map
- Short descripton
- Flags of State
- ColReg-72(- International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea)
- Description of the system IALA (International Association of Lighthouse Authorities)
- ICS (International Code of Signals) Includes signal flags, phonetic alphabet, Morse code
- IMO signs
- IMO Phrases (SMCP) Demo
- Sound and lights signals ColReg-72 (Lights and shapes ColReg-72)
- Reading weather forecasts (NAVTEX Inmarsat-C)
- Maritime and general language dictionaries
- LSA code (International life-saving appliance code. 1-7 Chapters)
- SOLAS-74 (International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea)
- MARPOL 73/78 (Demo)
- Section Ports Info (Demo) contains:
- Port Name
- Country
- Coordinates
- Position on world map
- Short descripton
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