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Sinticomp Prata

Xenon Sistemas
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About Sinticomp Prata

The Union of Workers in the Construction and Furniture Industries of Prata, with headquarters and Forum in the city of Prata, State of Minas Gerais at Rua Fernando de Noronha no. 500, was established in accordance with the legislation in force, still in 1989. Its Certificate Trade Union with the Ministry of Labor with process number 24000.0063 / 91-46. It was recognized on March 31, 1992 through the Union Certificate published in the DOU edition of March 31, 1992 - Section I - p 4116, duly registered in book B-13, fls. 030, at the Registry Office of Titles and Documents of the city of Prata on October 14, 2003.

It is a civil union for social purpose, non-profit, declared of public utility Municipal, law nº: 1,332 / 90.

SINTICOMP has as its statutory purposes and attributions, the defense and orientation of workers of the professional category of employees in civil construction companies, construction companies in general and in furniture companies of MG Silver, serving the following purposes and objectives:

- Conscientize, guide and educate workers about six rights and duties;

- Supervising public and private employment and employment policies;

- Defending the interests of members in and out of court;

- Discuss with various sectors of society alternatives for the improvement of work and employment in the area of ​​construction and furniture. Requiring, when necessary, the responsibility of the public power.

- Qualify and train workers in the technical areas of their responsibility, with computerized courses at their headquarters by the Easycomp method.

- Develop projects in the areas of qualification and professional requalification.

- Maintain qualified staff, to coordinate professional qualification and requalification, as well as the provision of internal services, with an accessory in covenants.

- To aim at improving living and working conditions for workers, coordinating, guiding, directing and protecting the basis of studies on their needs, professional and social interests.

- Collaborate with the other Class Associations aiming at social solidarity, giving motivational lectures, open to all society.

Acts against any and all acts that in any way may assault, intimidate or restrict the worker covered by the statutory norms, individual or collective, in their relations with the social environment, in their right to freedom, equality, education, health, environment, heritage, employment, among others, aiming at awareness, education of the worker. In these 24 years of existence the organization has achieved important results in favor of its workers and citizenship, whether through public campaigns, as well as through conventions or collective agreements and exchange of information with other entities of Brazil, growing in physical, cultural and legislative patrimony, seeking to grow in representativeness.

In order to preserve its freedom and independence, SINTICOMP seeks support from the workers to maintain their financial needs through contributions from their category and associates, or official programs that do not compromise their way of acting. Not having any commitment to, political, partisan and religious beliefs.

Being part of SINTICOMP is having Legal Assistance specialized in civil and labor cases.

Advice and guidance on terminations and labor homologations.

Agreements with dental, medical, psychological, commercial and service areas with easy access and preventive and corrective dental care.

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