Latest and breaking news about the Holy Spirit. Information policy, economy, sports, varieties, concerts and opinions that only the Victoria News has.
The Victoria News is a New Trademark and publishing Publisher - Journalistic Company of the Holy Spirit LTDA, located at Rua Ferreira Judge Doe 330, room 706, Ed Eldorado Center, Shua Beach, Victoria. - ES. CNPJ under No. 09164960 / 0001-61, and Municipal Registration under No. 115.9747.
Phone: (27) 3224-5198
The company's responsible journalist Marcelo Luiz Faria Rossoni.
The Victoria News is a New Trademark and publishing Publisher - Journalistic Company of the Holy Spirit LTDA, located at Rua Ferreira Judge Doe 330, room 706, Ed Eldorado Center, Shua Beach, Victoria. - ES. CNPJ under No. 09164960 / 0001-61, and Municipal Registration under No. 115.9747.
Phone: (27) 3224-5198
The company's responsible journalist Marcelo Luiz Faria Rossoni.
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