From a dream to reality. A story built with work and commitment. From a small space to a large structure, a simple brand was born, but with a solid concept, which is now known as the Barracão Supermercados group.
There are 29 years of history, which little by little gained respect and credibility and today has 7 units located in the interior of São Paulo, in the cities of Bauru, Potunduva, Jaú, Arealva and Pederneiras, to better serve each region.
We professionalized our management, expanded the flow of processes and expanded to offer the best, which is why we have 3 own livestock farms, where all the fresh beef sold in our butchers comes from. quality products on your family's table daily.
Our idea is to continue evolving, transforming ourselves, to be part of the daily lives of the next generations and to continue delivering what was born together with us: quality and low prices, because nobody sells cheaper every day!
There are 29 years of history, which little by little gained respect and credibility and today has 7 units located in the interior of São Paulo, in the cities of Bauru, Potunduva, Jaú, Arealva and Pederneiras, to better serve each region.
We professionalized our management, expanded the flow of processes and expanded to offer the best, which is why we have 3 own livestock farms, where all the fresh beef sold in our butchers comes from. quality products on your family's table daily.
Our idea is to continue evolving, transforming ourselves, to be part of the daily lives of the next generations and to continue delivering what was born together with us: quality and low prices, because nobody sells cheaper every day!
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