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About Didatikos

Hello, this is the official Didatikos APP!

Are you a student or employee of a Didatikos partner school or education network?
If yes, download our APP soon!
If not, follow us on insta @didatikos or visit our website www.didatikos.com.br and find a way to #serdidatikos!

By downloading our APP you have access to the NAVI platform, a complete digital ecosystem for school routines and the practice of “teaching in the clouds”.

If you are a teacher, you can create and manage tests and mock tests; post lessons and materials to students; have access to games, interactive classes, teaching materials; send communications; plan lessons; launch notes and more!

But if you are a student, you can take tests and simulated online; receive materials posted by teachers; ask questions via chat; deliver work; view your notes; access online classes and shifts; and take advantage of many other features.

Download soon! Come be Didatikos!