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Exclusive Card

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About Exclusive Card

Encouragement and recognition. Everyone, at some point, needs them.

You may think for a few minutes, but truly, since we were born encouragement is a constant part of our lives. We are encouraged to talk, walk, eat, study.

Time may pass, but he is there.

In professional life it is no different. We need motivation, stimulation and recognition. Most of humanity's achievements came from challenges that motivated and stimulated the overcoming of individuals and teams.

In business environments, incentives are seen as a set of actions that aim to encourage a company's professionals to achieve proposed objectives and, for this achievement, they are recognized through a wide range of possibilities for awards that include trips, products or financial rewards.

The challenge of strategy and training.

Along with motivation, we need to train increasingly dedicated professionals, prepared to face daily challenges and capable of bringing real benefits to the company, people and brands.

Uniting joint TRAINING, MOTIVATION and RECOGNITION strategies is the daily challenge of the group of professionals who work at HSOL MARKETING, an agency that provides knowledge, creativity, technological training and successful cases.

Live Marketing, Digital Learning and Corporate Awards, you can find it here.

With professionals working in an integrated way, with know-how in their areas and acting in a “tailor made” way, we guarantee solutions always focused on the needs of each client, whatever the size and market in which they operate.

In addition, our extensive portfolio of solutions includes prepaid cards and a points platform for corporate awards and a digital learning platform for training, qualification and development actions.

And of course all of this materialized in great prizes!

– Iberoamerican Festival of Promotions and Events – FIP (2012)

Gold: Direct Marketing Category (Client: Warner Brasil)

Silver: Retail Marketing Category (Client: Ace Seguros)

– Iberoamerican Festival of Promotions and Events – FIP (2013)

Gold: Traditional Direct Marketing and Internal Incentive Actions Category (Client: Caloi)

Gold: Integrated Online Marketing Campaigns Category (Client: Hot Shop Online)

Silver: Traditional Direct Marketing and Consumer Incentive Actions Category (Client: Sherwin-Williams)

Bronze: Loyalty Programs and Consumer Incentives Category (Client: Sherwin-Williams)

Bronze: Relationship Marketing and CRM Actions Category (Client: Hot Shop Online)

– Iberoamerican Festival of Promotions and Events – FIP (2019)

Gold: Relationship Marketing and CRM Category (Client: Perfetti Van Melle)

Silver: EndoMarketing Category (Client: Perfetti Van Melle)

Bronze: Best Incentive Travel Category (Client: GBOEX)

Get to know our solutions, make contact and be surprised by a universe of possibilities to warm up your business and overcome limits.

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