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IMAP Academy

Imap Academy
5+ downloads

About IMAP Academy

The IMAP Academy application is intended to increase medical knowledge in the field of phlebology (study of the veins of the human body). The acronym IMAP comes from “International Meeting on Aesthetic Phlebology”.
The application will have several areas that we describe below:

IMAPs from the last few years
The Hiroshi Miyake Study Center organizes the IMAP since 2011. There have been 10 editions and
Since the first IMAP, the Hiroshi Miyake Prize has been awarded for the best study in the area of
phlebology. A summary of each of these studies will be on the App and users will be able to
comment and like the materials. Apart from the content of the prizes, the videos of classes from the last
three IMAPs will be presented with equal opportunity to like and comment. There are more than 100
hours of international classes recorded in English and with simultaneous translation into Portuguese.

special classes
Routinely, special cases and single classes will be posted. Some of them, more
materials will remain in the open area of ​​the IMAP Academy while more specific and
advanced will be exclusive to subscribers.

In the Blog area, subscribers will be able to post photos or short videos that will be
approved by admins and subscribers will be able to like and comment.

online classes
Our courses, which are currently face-to-face, will have online classes, facilitating and
allowing the deepening of studies through study prior to the course. some courses
may be exclusively online.

IMAP online.
IMAP itself can be watched live within the application. The questions from
congress will be made by the blog

lay public
We will have explanatory videos aimed at the lay public. Such session will be free of
costs and information.

IMAP Academy Screenshots