Doubts when treating your pool?
The GENCO® app can help.
- GENCO® CALCULATOR, which is used to calculate the amount of product needed to maintain the pH, total alkalinity and residual chlorine free of pool water within their respective ideal ranges.
- COURSES, check the dates for the face-to-face classes, the course is free! Sign up.
- PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS where the customer can clarify doubts on how to proceed with the treatment of the pool in case of green water, cloudy water, etc.
- WHERE TO FIND, in which just adding the zip code it is possible to verify the nearest GENCO® product resellers in a simple and fast way.
The GENCO® app can help.
- GENCO® CALCULATOR, which is used to calculate the amount of product needed to maintain the pH, total alkalinity and residual chlorine free of pool water within their respective ideal ranges.
- COURSES, check the dates for the face-to-face classes, the course is free! Sign up.
- PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS where the customer can clarify doubts on how to proceed with the treatment of the pool in case of green water, cloudy water, etc.
- WHERE TO FIND, in which just adding the zip code it is possible to verify the nearest GENCO® product resellers in a simple and fast way.
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