Buy and sell much more efficiently! Trade corn, soy and sorghum with buyers, producers and brokers in a much more practical and faster way. Use technology to your advantage to streamline your work and expand your trading network! In addition, at Grão Direto you can follow the average prices of corn, soybeans and sorghum, freight quotes, dollars, BM&F and the Chicago Stock Exchange!
We were created to support all profiles in the agricultural commodities trading chain: buyers, producers, cooperatives, trading companies, resellers, traditional brokers, feed mills, warehouses and much more.
Trade in a much more practical way, save time and make better deals. Don't be limited to the phone and your personal contacts. Find many more grain buyers and sellers, increasing your chances of successfully trading!
Learn about the advantages of Digital Commodity Trading:
• More agility
• More efficiency
• Better information
• More security and governance
Agriculture that has so much technology inside the gate and gives lessons of modernity to Brazil and the world can also be so technological and modern in the commercialization of its products!
Be part of the new way to trade commodities. Before buying or selling grains, consult Grão Direto and get more information on your day-to-day!
We were created to support all profiles in the agricultural commodities trading chain: buyers, producers, cooperatives, trading companies, resellers, traditional brokers, feed mills, warehouses and much more.
Trade in a much more practical way, save time and make better deals. Don't be limited to the phone and your personal contacts. Find many more grain buyers and sellers, increasing your chances of successfully trading!
Learn about the advantages of Digital Commodity Trading:
• More agility
• More efficiency
• Better information
• More security and governance
Agriculture that has so much technology inside the gate and gives lessons of modernity to Brazil and the world can also be so technological and modern in the commercialization of its products!
Be part of the new way to trade commodities. Before buying or selling grains, consult Grão Direto and get more information on your day-to-day!
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