HELPIE is an online platform where you can find the best service providers close to you!
Access the profiles of professionals trained by SEBRAE and ask for a HELPIE, when you need it!
How to hire?
Open an order describing what you need or choosing a HELPER profile of your choice.
Negotiate, pay for the app and at the end of the service, release the value to the professional. It's simple and efficient ;)
If you prefer, you can negotiate with Helpers via Whatsapp and pay securely through Helpie's payment link.
Service completed you can evaluate the professional and help the Helpie community to hire better and better!
Don't even stress, ask for a Helpie!
Access the profiles of professionals trained by SEBRAE and ask for a HELPIE, when you need it!
How to hire?
Open an order describing what you need or choosing a HELPER profile of your choice.
Negotiate, pay for the app and at the end of the service, release the value to the professional. It's simple and efficient ;)
If you prefer, you can negotiate with Helpers via Whatsapp and pay securely through Helpie's payment link.
Service completed you can evaluate the professional and help the Helpie community to hire better and better!
Don't even stress, ask for a Helpie!
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