Hurb: Hotels, travel and more icon

Hurb: Hotels, travel and more

Hotel Urbano Viagens e Turismo S.A.
4.2 out of 5
10,000,000+ downloads

About Hurb: Hotels, travel and more

Download Hurb today and unlock exclusive deals on everything from hotels to luxury resorts. Find the best booking experience with the quickest, easiest and safest travel app! Traveling is now possible with Brazil’s biggest online travel agency! Book your dream vacation with Hurb today.

Find the best offers on hotels and resorts for you
- We offer deals on more than 400 thousand hotels around the world
- Have personalized vacation options for you
- Best prices for you to enjoy a weekend getaway, summer vacation or winter break
- Breakfast included in most hotel or resort deals
- Wide range of accommodations to fit your travel needs
- Get exclusive discounts on hotels in the app

When booking your hotel
- Book your trip in a couple of simple steps
- Reserve hotels no matter your budget, travel no matter what
- Filter by the number of guests and hotel rooms
- Fast, easy and secure payment when booking your travel
- Site-wide free cancellation on hotels and resorts
- Get unique coupons to use in later purchases

After booking
- You will receive an automatic confirmation in the app
- Keep track of your reservation and receive updates on your hotel
- Manage your hotel bookings
- Know more details about your hotel room and hotel

Any doubts?
- Send a message to our award-winning 24-hour customer service chat that can help you with any issues you may have
- Talk to actual people!

Hurb: Hotels, travel and more Screenshots