What is hope? How can you grow? What benefits it offers?
A person without hope is someone with no dreams, no ideals, no optimism, no future. When there is no hope, despair takes hold of life. then appears defeatist thinking and comes failure.
The person with hope has a positive and optimistic mind. Believes in trinfo of good over evil. Do not lose heart in the fight, get up when it falls, trust in divine direction and keeps the joy of living.
The real hope helps solve our problems and anticipates the dawn of a better day, when the cease human suffering and there will be complete well-being for all. This is the bright theme of these pages. Know the source of hope and renew your life!
A person without hope is someone with no dreams, no ideals, no optimism, no future. When there is no hope, despair takes hold of life. then appears defeatist thinking and comes failure.
The person with hope has a positive and optimistic mind. Believes in trinfo of good over evil. Do not lose heart in the fight, get up when it falls, trust in divine direction and keeps the joy of living.
The real hope helps solve our problems and anticipates the dawn of a better day, when the cease human suffering and there will be complete well-being for all. This is the bright theme of these pages. Know the source of hope and renew your life!
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