More traditional newspaper of the city of Manaus, the Jornal do Commercio housed among its employees the son of Vicente Reis, Arthur Cezar Ferreira Kings, who would become one of the most renowned intellectuals of the State of Amazonas; extrapolating our borders to become recognized scientist in Brazil and undisputed authority on Amazon.
He was the first superintendent of SPVEA embryo Sudam (Amazon Development Superintendence) at the invitation of then president Getulio Vargas. It was also the first governor of the military period opened in 1964.
It is well known and told by the author of The Bucheiros, the writer Aureus Nonato, have had the Commercio newspaper pages as primer for literacy. He, like many others in those times of difficulty and economic stagnation, had the opportunity to meet the Jornal do Commercio a large flowering and realization period.
Among prominent figures here rendered valuable services, helping to keep burning for a period that is already over a century the flame of this institution, we can mention the writer and composer Anibal Beça; the current Secretary of State for Culture Robério dos Santos Pereira Braga; former managing editor of 'The Review', Frânio Lima; historian and writer Mário Ypiranga Monteiro; the renowned Professor John Chrysostom de Oliveira beyond Epaminondas Barahuna and José Oliveira City. This are some of the many collaborators who helped build and long did the Jornal do Commercio.
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Did you mean maybe? Jornal do Commercio, commerce newspaper, trade journal.
He was the first superintendent of SPVEA embryo Sudam (Amazon Development Superintendence) at the invitation of then president Getulio Vargas. It was also the first governor of the military period opened in 1964.
It is well known and told by the author of The Bucheiros, the writer Aureus Nonato, have had the Commercio newspaper pages as primer for literacy. He, like many others in those times of difficulty and economic stagnation, had the opportunity to meet the Jornal do Commercio a large flowering and realization period.
Among prominent figures here rendered valuable services, helping to keep burning for a period that is already over a century the flame of this institution, we can mention the writer and composer Anibal Beça; the current Secretary of State for Culture Robério dos Santos Pereira Braga; former managing editor of 'The Review', Frânio Lima; historian and writer Mário Ypiranga Monteiro; the renowned Professor John Chrysostom de Oliveira beyond Epaminondas Barahuna and José Oliveira City. This are some of the many collaborators who helped build and long did the Jornal do Commercio.
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To subscribe contact the newspaper.
Did you mean maybe? Jornal do Commercio, commerce newspaper, trade journal.
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