Márcio Rapôso Imóveis
Allows access for owners, landlords, renters and guarantors.
Allows PUSH notifications.
For owners
Access to documents, events, commercial actions, registration changes, create promotions for your properties, income report, accountability among others.
For landlords
Access to rent analytics, statements, events, documents, registration changes, accountability, among others.
For renters
Access to rent analytics, bill of exchange, documents, occurrences, registration changes, among others.
For the guarantors
Access to rent analytics, payment slip, documents, occurrences, among others.
Allows access for owners, landlords, renters and guarantors.
Allows PUSH notifications.
For owners
Access to documents, events, commercial actions, registration changes, create promotions for your properties, income report, accountability among others.
For landlords
Access to rent analytics, statements, events, documents, registration changes, accountability, among others.
For renters
Access to rent analytics, bill of exchange, documents, occurrences, registration changes, among others.
For the guarantors
Access to rent analytics, payment slip, documents, occurrences, among others.
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