MEDCode: Bulários, Prescriptions and Medical Conducts came to be the biggest medical app in Brazil, with 100% offline content.
Download now and automatically get 7 days to fully test our entire app.
- Counting with several BULÁRIOS, in addition to having the much desired CALCULATOR of SIMPLIFIED DOSES in Pediatrics and Infusions/Drippings, where you insert only the patient's weight and obtain as a result the number of drops / quantity in mL. Simple and practical, without having to do any calculations.
- There are thousands of CONDUCT and PRESCRIPTIONS involving all medical specialties.
- Subscribers will have access to the ONLINE courses provided by TEDMED, such as: Radiology Courses by Prof. JEZREEL CORREA; Medical internship; Conduct in Emergency (Dr. Eduardo A. Junqueira Filho) and Sports Medicine (Dr. Guilherme Almeida Rosa da Silva).
- We also bring dozens of PRACTICAL GUIDES both for you who work in the Ambulatory and for those who experience a medical emergency:
- ECG - electrocardiogram
- Antibiotic therapy - antibiotics, antimicrobials, prophylaxis
- Drug interactions -
- Drug prices - search by active ingredients and commercial names
- Laboratory - Clinical Pathology, Laboratory Medicine, Normal and altered values
- Mechanical ventilation - indication, weaning, intubation, invasive and non-invasive ventilation
- Arterial blood gases - diagnoses, acid-base disorders
- Electrolyte disorders - sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphate
- Nutritional therapy - enteral and parenteral diets available in Brazil, nutritional calculations
- Invasive procedures - remember on duty; deep venipuncture, PAM, chest drainage, intubation, tracheostomy etc
- Surgical Risk - risk calculators, Goldman, ASA, Detsky; guidelines of the Brazilian Society of Cardiology - SBC
- Venomous Animals - conducts in emergency, to help in their shifts
- Intoxications - antidotes, medical prescriptions
- Diagnostic Criteria - practical medicine; rheumatologic, neurological, cardiologic and other disorders
- TNM 2017 - oncology, DSM 5 - psychiatry, Protocols in CT - making chemotherapeutics uncomplicated, ICD 10 - complete international code of diseases
- Various GUIDES on Family and Community Medicine - childcare, prenatal care, Diabetes, Hypertension, Dyslipidemia, Smoking, Tuberculosis (BK), Leprosy, HIV and vaccination).
- Dozens of CALCULATORS to facilitate and help both the life of the doctor and the medical student.
- MEDCode: Bulários e Condutas is the only one on the market that provides the PRICE consultation of any existing medicine in Brazil, all with a simple click and 100% offline.
- We also have special content on RADIOLOGY AND IMAGING DIAGNOSIS and SPORTS MEDICINE.
- We do not forget those who are preparing for the MEDICAL RESIDENCE contests. We created a database with more than 10,000 medical residency test questions from the main medical institutions in Brazil.
- We also prepared a unique material on SPORTS MEDICINE, where we detail all the tricks about bodybuilding, training, doping, supplementation, diet and hormones.
To close, we created a group with special content, which we call FREQUENT DOUBTS. In this channel we answer any questions that every doctor or medical student may have in their medical practice, such as:
- How to proceed in Flight Emergencies.
- Questions about prescriptions and prescriptions.
- Doubts about Death Certificates.
- Doubts about any article of the Code of Medical Ethics.
- A lot more.
Download now and automatically get 7 days to fully test our entire app.
- Counting with several BULÁRIOS, in addition to having the much desired CALCULATOR of SIMPLIFIED DOSES in Pediatrics and Infusions/Drippings, where you insert only the patient's weight and obtain as a result the number of drops / quantity in mL. Simple and practical, without having to do any calculations.
- There are thousands of CONDUCT and PRESCRIPTIONS involving all medical specialties.
- Subscribers will have access to the ONLINE courses provided by TEDMED, such as: Radiology Courses by Prof. JEZREEL CORREA; Medical internship; Conduct in Emergency (Dr. Eduardo A. Junqueira Filho) and Sports Medicine (Dr. Guilherme Almeida Rosa da Silva).
- We also bring dozens of PRACTICAL GUIDES both for you who work in the Ambulatory and for those who experience a medical emergency:
- ECG - electrocardiogram
- Antibiotic therapy - antibiotics, antimicrobials, prophylaxis
- Drug interactions -
- Drug prices - search by active ingredients and commercial names
- Laboratory - Clinical Pathology, Laboratory Medicine, Normal and altered values
- Mechanical ventilation - indication, weaning, intubation, invasive and non-invasive ventilation
- Arterial blood gases - diagnoses, acid-base disorders
- Electrolyte disorders - sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphate
- Nutritional therapy - enteral and parenteral diets available in Brazil, nutritional calculations
- Invasive procedures - remember on duty; deep venipuncture, PAM, chest drainage, intubation, tracheostomy etc
- Surgical Risk - risk calculators, Goldman, ASA, Detsky; guidelines of the Brazilian Society of Cardiology - SBC
- Venomous Animals - conducts in emergency, to help in their shifts
- Intoxications - antidotes, medical prescriptions
- Diagnostic Criteria - practical medicine; rheumatologic, neurological, cardiologic and other disorders
- TNM 2017 - oncology, DSM 5 - psychiatry, Protocols in CT - making chemotherapeutics uncomplicated, ICD 10 - complete international code of diseases
- Various GUIDES on Family and Community Medicine - childcare, prenatal care, Diabetes, Hypertension, Dyslipidemia, Smoking, Tuberculosis (BK), Leprosy, HIV and vaccination).
- Dozens of CALCULATORS to facilitate and help both the life of the doctor and the medical student.
- MEDCode: Bulários e Condutas is the only one on the market that provides the PRICE consultation of any existing medicine in Brazil, all with a simple click and 100% offline.
- We also have special content on RADIOLOGY AND IMAGING DIAGNOSIS and SPORTS MEDICINE.
- We do not forget those who are preparing for the MEDICAL RESIDENCE contests. We created a database with more than 10,000 medical residency test questions from the main medical institutions in Brazil.
- We also prepared a unique material on SPORTS MEDICINE, where we detail all the tricks about bodybuilding, training, doping, supplementation, diet and hormones.
To close, we created a group with special content, which we call FREQUENT DOUBTS. In this channel we answer any questions that every doctor or medical student may have in their medical practice, such as:
- How to proceed in Flight Emergencies.
- Questions about prescriptions and prescriptions.
- Doubts about Death Certificates.
- Doubts about any article of the Code of Medical Ethics.
- A lot more.
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