The application has news from the federations:
Brazilian Spiritist Federation
Amazonian Spiritist Federation
Spiritist Federation of the State of Ceará
Spiritist Federation of the State of Sergipe
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Spiritist Federation of Rio Grande do Norte
Spiritist Federation of Roraima
FEB - Publisher
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So you help spread spiritism and stay on the inside of events.
A lot of peace and light
Brazilian Spiritist Federation
Amazonian Spiritist Federation
Spiritist Federation of the State of Ceará
Spiritist Federation of the State of Sergipe
Contact Us |
Spiritist Federation of Rio Grande do Norte
Spiritist Federation of Roraima
FEB - Publisher
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So you help spread spiritism and stay on the inside of events.
A lot of peace and light
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