Want incredible benefits and rewards when filling up your car? Download the app and participate in Premia, the loyalty program for Petrobras Service Stations.
With it, you earn points and redeem for movie tickets, partner discounts, airline miles, events and much more!
Earn Premium points with every refueling, oil change or purchase at BR Mania convenience stores.
Accumulate "lightning", level up and get benefits without exchanging points.
Redeem different BR Mania products every month at your participating convenience store.
Choose your favorite post and score double!
Pay with the integrated means and score automatically, without having to type your CPF on the machine.
Welcome to Premia! A new app, easier, lighter and with a much more intuitive design.
With it, you earn points and redeem for movie tickets, partner discounts, airline miles, events and much more!
Earn Premium points with every refueling, oil change or purchase at BR Mania convenience stores.
Accumulate "lightning", level up and get benefits without exchanging points.
Redeem different BR Mania products every month at your participating convenience store.
Choose your favorite post and score double!
Pay with the integrated means and score automatically, without having to type your CPF on the machine.
Welcome to Premia! A new app, easier, lighter and with a much more intuitive design.
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