Absolute leadership in the whole region!
BAND FM is audience leader in Presidente Epitacio, Wenceslas, Bataguassú and in more than 40 cities that are part of the West Paulista, being heard in SP, PR and MS.
Time Awards in Time, participation, transmission of the main events in HD Digital System.
Part of BAND FM, and listener or advertiser "It's Too Good"
(18) 88 3281.66
BAND FM is audience leader in Presidente Epitacio, Wenceslas, Bataguassú and in more than 40 cities that are part of the West Paulista, being heard in SP, PR and MS.
Time Awards in Time, participation, transmission of the main events in HD Digital System.
Part of BAND FM, and listener or advertiser "It's Too Good"
(18) 88 3281.66
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