Download our App now and taste our flavor at home!
To place an order:
1 - Register and log into your new account.
2 - Choose which category you want on the menu.
3 - Select which item you want, if you want to select any additional.
4 - Add to cart.
5 - Go to the cart, and confirm the order.
6 - In the new screen, confirm your address, if you want to pick up the product on site, click on the pick up button on the counter.
7 - On the last screen, confirm the amount and select your payment method.
8 - On the Status screen, you can follow the status of your order in real time.
Enjoy your food...
Does your establishment not yet have an APP for Delivery?
Get in touch and get your application with logo and custom colors today 11 96196-2334 Telephone and Whatsapp
To place an order:
1 - Register and log into your new account.
2 - Choose which category you want on the menu.
3 - Select which item you want, if you want to select any additional.
4 - Add to cart.
5 - Go to the cart, and confirm the order.
6 - In the new screen, confirm your address, if you want to pick up the product on site, click on the pick up button on the counter.
7 - On the last screen, confirm the amount and select your payment method.
8 - On the Status screen, you can follow the status of your order in real time.
Enjoy your food...
Does your establishment not yet have an APP for Delivery?
Get in touch and get your application with logo and custom colors today 11 96196-2334 Telephone and Whatsapp
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