Travel List helps people around the world organize their lists of items to pack for vacation trips. We automatically generate items to put in your bags according to your choices and where you are going! Travel List makes your life easier and will help you never forget any item for your long-awaited trip, whether it be on vacation or business.
Main features:
- Travel List is Totally Free
- 100% Brazilian application in Portuguese
-No Ads
-Set the round trip date of your trip
-Choose what you will want to do on the trip
-Add custom items to your list
-Control which items you are already carrying or are missing
- and much more!
Travel List is TOTALLY free, there is no paid version of the app.
Main features:
- Travel List is Totally Free
- 100% Brazilian application in Portuguese
-No Ads
-Set the round trip date of your trip
-Choose what you will want to do on the trip
-Add custom items to your list
-Control which items you are already carrying or are missing
- and much more!
Travel List is TOTALLY free, there is no paid version of the app.
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