A Any Saturday is a comic strip created by Charles Streets blog with daily updates. Through a mood light, the author explores the humorous side of life, from the very moment that God experiences "create the world." The situations become increasingly complicated with the emergence of Adam, Eve, Cain, Pope, Jesus, Noah, Freud, Darwin and many others ...
The Creator (strips) is not intended to them, attack or offend any religious belief, but only offer, peacefully, their humorous version for the beginning of the world.
Key App features
- Latest Comic Strips
- Since Inception
- Categories
- Animations
- Reading horizontally for comfort
- Cometary Facebook
- About USQ
- Remove ads
- A Shop Any
Check out the news of the main categories and blog characters:
- In the beginning
- Luciraldo
- Cain
- Metal God
- Forbidden Fruit
- Commandments and scriptures
- Love
- Relationship
- Drunk
- Pranks
- Appearances
- In the sense
- Buteco of the Gods
- Pope
- Darwin
- Freud
- Nietzsche
- Einstein
- Murano
- Niemeyer
- Noah
- Raul Seixas
- Batatistas
- Superfluous Shop
- Socrates
- Christmas Day
- Carnival
- Onitorrinco
- Carlos Streets
- Dinosaurs
- Environment
- Madame Cazam
- Readers Photos
- Videos
- Philosophizing
- Technology
- Moses
- Creations
- Human Body
- Chico Xavier
- Long
- Jesus
- Apostle Zeferino
- Top Cops
- Biblical Passages
I bet that even God will be giving a good laugh reading the comic strips
Hugs and have fun!
Carlos Streets
The Creator (strips) is not intended to them, attack or offend any religious belief, but only offer, peacefully, their humorous version for the beginning of the world.
Key App features
- Latest Comic Strips
- Since Inception
- Categories
- Animations
- Reading horizontally for comfort
- Cometary Facebook
- About USQ
- Remove ads
- A Shop Any
Check out the news of the main categories and blog characters:
- In the beginning
- Luciraldo
- Cain
- Metal God
- Forbidden Fruit
- Commandments and scriptures
- Love
- Relationship
- Drunk
- Pranks
- Appearances
- In the sense
- Buteco of the Gods
- Pope
- Darwin
- Freud
- Nietzsche
- Einstein
- Murano
- Niemeyer
- Noah
- Raul Seixas
- Batatistas
- Superfluous Shop
- Socrates
- Christmas Day
- Carnival
- Onitorrinco
- Carlos Streets
- Dinosaurs
- Environment
- Madame Cazam
- Readers Photos
- Videos
- Philosophizing
- Technology
- Moses
- Creations
- Human Body
- Chico Xavier
- Long
- Jesus
- Apostle Zeferino
- Top Cops
- Biblical Passages
I bet that even God will be giving a good laugh reading the comic strips
Hugs and have fun!
Carlos Streets
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