With the "Price of the Hour", the entire population of Paraíba will be able to search, in real time, in the 223 municipalities of the State, where to buy cheap!
With updated prices every 5 minutes, according to the issuance of official tax notes and coupons, citizens will be able to conduct price surveys on thousands of products sold locally.
1) Query by KEYWORD
Platform users will be able to query by keyword, displaying - before the search result - various product suggestions from the third character typed.
2) Query using BAR CODE
Just click the "Bar Code" button to read the bar code printed on the products label, automatically referring to the best prices in the region.
The user can consult, in a single time, up to 40 products. This feature is ideal for checking the prices of our lists in the establishments of the city. Very useful in the case of weekly or monthly purchases in supermarkets, list of medicines for purchases of medicines, construction material for reforms etc.
4) Fuel Inquiry
Know where to fuel your car cheaper, be it gas, ethanol, CNG or diesel powered.
3) Price History and ROUTE TO SUPPLIER
By clicking on any product found, we can see the price history in the city as well as generate the transit route to go to the chosen supplier.
In addition to the above functionalities, see some other advantages of this project, developed by the Court of Accounts of the State of Paraíba in partnership with the State Secretariat of Finance of Paraíba:
- Technology 100% Paraibana, aiming to provide society with more information on the prices practiced in the local market;
- Allows all citizens to know prices of more than 739 thousand products sold throughout Paraíba;
- Every day, an average of 600,000 tax coupons are processed, with peaks in excess of 1.2 million purchases;
- The data cover a universe of up to 121 thousand establishments in all 223 municipalities of Paraíba.
Let's go to the polls and good shopping!
These are not ads, promotions or any commercial action. The system only displays the prices charged by each supplier, officially registered in the SER-PB database. The information presented by the platform, such as price, product description and bar code number are obtained directly from the fields in the NFC-e, being the direct responsibility of each company.
It is up to each supplier to create, maintain, change or extinguish its price and discount policy. The invoices may be altered, canceled or unavailable without the prior communication by the managing institutions of the Hourly Price.
All prices presented by the Hourly Price platform come from the Consumer Electronic NFs (NFC-e) database, issued at the time of purchase by commercial establishments registered at the State Secretariat of Revenue of Paraíba (SER-PB).
In addition to the NFC-e, the following data were used in the System: International Product Code (GTIN); Territorial Division of Brazil and National Classification Commission (CONCLA), Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE); Taxpayer base, State Revenue of Paraíba (SER-PB); Product Codes, National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP); Classification Tables of the Mercosur Common Nomenclature (NCM), Ministry of Industry, Foreign Trade and Services (MDIC); Geodados, Google Maps; (CMED), National Agency for Health Surveillance (ANVISA).
With updated prices every 5 minutes, according to the issuance of official tax notes and coupons, citizens will be able to conduct price surveys on thousands of products sold locally.
1) Query by KEYWORD
Platform users will be able to query by keyword, displaying - before the search result - various product suggestions from the third character typed.
2) Query using BAR CODE
Just click the "Bar Code" button to read the bar code printed on the products label, automatically referring to the best prices in the region.
The user can consult, in a single time, up to 40 products. This feature is ideal for checking the prices of our lists in the establishments of the city. Very useful in the case of weekly or monthly purchases in supermarkets, list of medicines for purchases of medicines, construction material for reforms etc.
4) Fuel Inquiry
Know where to fuel your car cheaper, be it gas, ethanol, CNG or diesel powered.
3) Price History and ROUTE TO SUPPLIER
By clicking on any product found, we can see the price history in the city as well as generate the transit route to go to the chosen supplier.
In addition to the above functionalities, see some other advantages of this project, developed by the Court of Accounts of the State of Paraíba in partnership with the State Secretariat of Finance of Paraíba:
- Technology 100% Paraibana, aiming to provide society with more information on the prices practiced in the local market;
- Allows all citizens to know prices of more than 739 thousand products sold throughout Paraíba;
- Every day, an average of 600,000 tax coupons are processed, with peaks in excess of 1.2 million purchases;
- The data cover a universe of up to 121 thousand establishments in all 223 municipalities of Paraíba.
Let's go to the polls and good shopping!
These are not ads, promotions or any commercial action. The system only displays the prices charged by each supplier, officially registered in the SER-PB database. The information presented by the platform, such as price, product description and bar code number are obtained directly from the fields in the NFC-e, being the direct responsibility of each company.
It is up to each supplier to create, maintain, change or extinguish its price and discount policy. The invoices may be altered, canceled or unavailable without the prior communication by the managing institutions of the Hourly Price.
All prices presented by the Hourly Price platform come from the Consumer Electronic NFs (NFC-e) database, issued at the time of purchase by commercial establishments registered at the State Secretariat of Revenue of Paraíba (SER-PB).
In addition to the NFC-e, the following data were used in the System: International Product Code (GTIN); Territorial Division of Brazil and National Classification Commission (CONCLA), Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE); Taxpayer base, State Revenue of Paraíba (SER-PB); Product Codes, National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP); Classification Tables of the Mercosur Common Nomenclature (NCM), Ministry of Industry, Foreign Trade and Services (MDIC); Geodados, Google Maps; (CMED), National Agency for Health Surveillance (ANVISA).
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