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SOS Chuva

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About SOS Chuva

The SOS Rain application, developed by INPE / CPTEC, allows:

- to visualize, in real time, where rains are occurring, covering the regions of the states AL, BA, DF, MG, MS, PE, RJ, RN, RS, SC, SP.
- view satellite image covering all of Latin America.
- check the rain intensity
- monitoring the evolution of convective systems

The application is part of the thematic project CHUVA, financed by FAPESP. The base of this research is the double polarization radar operating in Campinas, for 24 months (two rainy seasons) to capture intense precipitation events that provide the bases for the study of the physical processes inside the clouds in order to improve the predictability in the short term, the detection of severity and the estimation of precipitation with radar and satellite in high temporal and spatial resolution.

Brazil has bought and is still expanding the dual-polarized radar network to monitor extreme weather events. However, knowledge about this system is still incipient and this project will carry out research using this type of instrument, train students in this area and develop new tools to use this instrument.

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