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Betlehem Church

Eklesia Gestão de Igrejas
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About Betlehem Church

Shalom, you are very welcome to our APP BELEHEM - CHURCH!
Our APP facilitates the relationship of each of our members, friends and visitors to a Universe of Content that we make available on our website and now in an even more agile way through a click on your smartphone.

Through our APP you can:

* See all our live programming;
* Have access to our collection of videos and Podcasts
* Have access to all the services of DALET BETLHEM, our remote Shepherding system;
* Receive newsletters and messages that are particularly targeted at members;
* Be connected with Casa do Partindo O Pão and receive transmission links and specific messages from the Group
* Access our entire Betlehem Calendar. Weekly, monthly, yearly events, Feasts of the Lamb calendar, Seminars, and much more!
* You can make prayer requests; request counseling (virtual or face-to-face); You will find that you will never feel alone or distant from the Body of Christ again!
* You can request to be discipled or follow your discipleship when it is started through the videos, podcasts and texts available;

* Through MY PROFILE it is possible to update your registration data at the church.

Be sure to install our Official BELEHEM CHURCH APP NOW and have full access to all its features.

Remember: You are the house and Jesus Christ (Yeshua Hamashiach) is The Blessed Bread of Life! THERE IS BREAD IN THE HOUSE OF BREAD!

Paul of Tarsus, AP.

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