Regional Council of Psychology of São Paulo - 6th Region
Its purpose is to guide, discipline and supervise the practice of the profession of psychologist, in accordance with Federal Law n. 5,766, of December 20, 1971.
There are 23 Regional Councils throughout the country, distributed by states or regions. CRP SP maintains a headquarters in the capital and nine substations in the interior: Assis, Baixada Santista and Vale do Ribeira, Bauru, Campinas, Grande ABC, Ribeirão Preto, São José do Rio Preto, Sorocaba and Vale do Paraíba and Litoral Norte.
The goals and forms of work of the Federal Council (CFP) and the Regional Councils (CRPs) are guided by the deliberations of the National Congress of Psychology, held every three years, when theses are approved on the functional structure of the Councils and the guiding principles exercises, training and professional ethics.
They are responsible for the activities legally attributed to the CRP, that is, to guide, supervise and discipline the professional exercise. They are: the Commission for Guidance and Ethics (COE), the Guidance and Inspection Commission (COF) and the Analysis Committee for the Specialist Registry.
Its purpose is to guide, discipline and supervise the practice of the profession of psychologist, in accordance with Federal Law n. 5,766, of December 20, 1971.
There are 23 Regional Councils throughout the country, distributed by states or regions. CRP SP maintains a headquarters in the capital and nine substations in the interior: Assis, Baixada Santista and Vale do Ribeira, Bauru, Campinas, Grande ABC, Ribeirão Preto, São José do Rio Preto, Sorocaba and Vale do Paraíba and Litoral Norte.
The goals and forms of work of the Federal Council (CFP) and the Regional Councils (CRPs) are guided by the deliberations of the National Congress of Psychology, held every three years, when theses are approved on the functional structure of the Councils and the guiding principles exercises, training and professional ethics.
They are responsible for the activities legally attributed to the CRP, that is, to guide, supervise and discipline the professional exercise. They are: the Commission for Guidance and Ethics (COE), the Guidance and Inspection Commission (COF) and the Analysis Committee for the Specialist Registry.
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