This Android Application covers all the topics from basic to advance level of Electrical Engineering . It is the first app on Play store which contain thousands of Mcqs on electrical engineering . It contain frequently ask questions in job test and interviews in all government and private organizations. .nn
Following Topics are included....nn
1. Alternating currents
2. Branch, Loop and Node Analyses
3. Capacitors
4. Inductors
5,6,7. RLC Circuits and Resonance
8.Passive Filters
9.Time Response of Reactive Circuits
10.Circuit Theorems in AC Analysis
11.Three-Phase Systems in Power Applications
12.Magnetism and Electromagnetism
13,14.A.C. Fundamentals and Circuit Theory
15.Magnetic Circuit
16.Network Theorem
17,18.D.C Motors ,Generators
19. Poly phase Induction Motors
20.Single Phase Induction Motors
21.Synchronous Motors
24.Economics of Power Generation
25.Power Plant Engineering
26. Switch gear Protection
27.Transmission and Distribution (6 Parts)
28,29.Electrical Machines , Motors and Generators(16 Parts)
30,31,32.Power System ,generation ,Transmission and Distribution (17 Parts)
33.Control System (3 Parts)
34.Power Electronics (3 Parts)
We will include more topics, Keep update your app..
Following Topics are included....nn
1. Alternating currents
2. Branch, Loop and Node Analyses
3. Capacitors
4. Inductors
5,6,7. RLC Circuits and Resonance
8.Passive Filters
9.Time Response of Reactive Circuits
10.Circuit Theorems in AC Analysis
11.Three-Phase Systems in Power Applications
12.Magnetism and Electromagnetism
13,14.A.C. Fundamentals and Circuit Theory
15.Magnetic Circuit
16.Network Theorem
17,18.D.C Motors ,Generators
19. Poly phase Induction Motors
20.Single Phase Induction Motors
21.Synchronous Motors
24.Economics of Power Generation
25.Power Plant Engineering
26. Switch gear Protection
27.Transmission and Distribution (6 Parts)
28,29.Electrical Machines , Motors and Generators(16 Parts)
30,31,32.Power System ,generation ,Transmission and Distribution (17 Parts)
33.Control System (3 Parts)
34.Power Electronics (3 Parts)
We will include more topics, Keep update your app..
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