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Power Hour

Jordon de Hoog
4.1 out of 5
5,000+ downloads

About Power Hour

Everyone's favorite drinking game has just gotten easier! With the use of Power Hour, you can play the drinking game without worry about having someone watch a clock.

Power Hour is a drinking game revolving around the idea of drinking a shot of beer (or any beverage) every minute for an hour. While this may seem daunting to some, others will gladly attempt the Century Club, or Spartan game modes.

Three game modes are offered and configured right from launch. However if you want some customization with your game mode, do so by pressing the gear icon. This will bring you to a screen where you can change almost every aspect of the game! From the alarm sound that is played after each round, to the number of rounds you wish to play, and even changed the background and accent colors of the game!

By default Power Hour will keep the devices screen on, however that is not for everyone so that too can be toggled on or off. However regardless whether or not the screen is on, the counter will continue to run and keep track, and when a round is up it will still sound the alarm!

I designed Power Hour to be simple, and beautiful, while maintaining its function. If for whatever reason you encounter a problem please don't hesitate to contact me.

So enjoy the game, and of course drink responsibly.

While Power Hour is usually an alcoholic drinking game, if you are under the legal limit please stick with non-alcoholic beverages.

Record Audio - For recording your own sound to be played at the end of each round
Vibrate - Used with the audio to alert you the round has finished
Internet - Used for the crash reporting analytics
Wake Lock - So the countdown will continue to be active if the screen is turned off

View source code on at http://github.com/jordond/powerhour

Power Hour Screenshots