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주식회사 두들러
1+ downloads

About 커리어두들러

[My Audiobook]
Create your own book using photos, pictures, clip art, characters, sound effects, and music

Share and brag about your audiobooks in real time
Earn points through various activities such as attendance check, likes, and comments
You can also get various products.

[Information on required access rights for services]
-Phone: Require device information when logging in
- Microphone: Voice recording
- Files and Media: Taking pictures, using my images, storing content (access rights to music, audio, photos, and videos)
-Notification: Permission to notify of various news and community post comments (Android 13 or higher)

※ Note
To use the app smoothly, it is recommended to install it in Android 8.0 or higher environment. If you encounter any problems while using the app, please contact Sounddoodle App-My Page-Settings-Customer Center.

커리어두들러 Screenshots