This application searches the Texas DeLorean Club VIN database of all known DeLoreans to have been built, for a specific vehicle. DeLoreans are numbered from 1-20105, based on the last 5 digits of the true VIN. Basic public vehicle build information is displayed.
Additionally, this application searches the DeLorean Owners Directory for those vehicle owners who have elected to be listed in the directory, and who have agreed to have certain information released to other members of the directory. This option is ID and Password protected. Requested member contact information, and preferences are displayed only to verified members.
This application also displays global counts of DeLorean last known locations around the globe, listed by country, state or province, city, and finally by VIN. Searches can also be done by owner last name, if known.
A messaging tool is provided, that will allow any member of the DeLorean Owners Directory to send a private message up to 250 characters directly to another DeLorean VIN. Senders have already been vetted by already being in The Directory. If the recipient VIN owner is also a member of The Directory, that person can immediately receive the message. If the VIN owner is not a member of the directory, they can still view the message once they sign up in the DeLorean Owners Directory.
Finally, a method for sending VIN updates (or simply comments/suggestions) directly to the DeLorean Database Administrator is available for those who have chosen to be listed in the DeLorean Directory.
Additionally, this application searches the DeLorean Owners Directory for those vehicle owners who have elected to be listed in the directory, and who have agreed to have certain information released to other members of the directory. This option is ID and Password protected. Requested member contact information, and preferences are displayed only to verified members.
This application also displays global counts of DeLorean last known locations around the globe, listed by country, state or province, city, and finally by VIN. Searches can also be done by owner last name, if known.
A messaging tool is provided, that will allow any member of the DeLorean Owners Directory to send a private message up to 250 characters directly to another DeLorean VIN. Senders have already been vetted by already being in The Directory. If the recipient VIN owner is also a member of The Directory, that person can immediately receive the message. If the VIN owner is not a member of the directory, they can still view the message once they sign up in the DeLorean Owners Directory.
Finally, a method for sending VIN updates (or simply comments/suggestions) directly to the DeLorean Database Administrator is available for those who have chosen to be listed in the DeLorean Directory.
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