E-VAT information
The Internal Revenue Service puts the e-VAT app at your disposal, a new application that will allow you to declare and pay Form 29 in an easy, safe and free way.
Using the e-VAT app you can:
1. Validate and send your Declaration.
2. Complement information in the assistants (Sales and Service Tickets, Electronic Fees Ballots and Third Party Services Provision Tickets)
3. Postpone the Payment of VAT
4. Pay with Online Payment (PEL)
5. Check the status of your Declaration
The Internal Revenue Service puts the e-VAT app at your disposal, a new application that will allow you to declare and pay Form 29 in an easy, safe and free way.
Using the e-VAT app you can:
1. Validate and send your Declaration.
2. Complement information in the assistants (Sales and Service Tickets, Electronic Fees Ballots and Third Party Services Provision Tickets)
3. Postpone the Payment of VAT
4. Pay with Online Payment (PEL)
5. Check the status of your Declaration
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