Mongolian English Dictionary is a simple and convenient dictionary and a translator & word learning tool.
- Millions of English and Mongolian definitions.
- Listen to the human voice pronunciation of the words
- Translate result with example sentences (Mongolian example sentences is not supported)
- While a word is not found it while use online translate automatic
- Support long text translation
- Search local dictionary database and online dictionary at once.
- Words, sentences, phrases are searchable
- User-friendly interface
- Share translate result with other app
- Star and save the translation for future review
- Search history
- Millions of English and Mongolian definitions.
- Listen to the human voice pronunciation of the words
- Translate result with example sentences (Mongolian example sentences is not supported)
- While a word is not found it while use online translate automatic
- Support long text translation
- Search local dictionary database and online dictionary at once.
- Words, sentences, phrases are searchable
- User-friendly interface
- Share translate result with other app
- Star and save the translation for future review
- Search history
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