Do you want to know how much it is when you go shopping abroad?
The type of currency is your good friend when you have problems about currency converter.
☺ Easy and quick to convert exchange rates.
☺ 212 countries currency converter
☺ simple and intuitive interface operation
☺ adjustment of the custom exchange rate
- Live rates (various update intervals)
- Custom Currency List - Choose only the currencies you need.
- Offline mode (no data traffic)
- Convert up to 22 currencies simultaneously
- Currency graphs (1 day - 5 years)
- Search function to add a new currency quickly
- Accuracy: sets the number of decimal numbers (0-5)
The type of currency is your good friend when you have problems about currency converter.
☺ Easy and quick to convert exchange rates.
☺ 212 countries currency converter
☺ simple and intuitive interface operation
☺ adjustment of the custom exchange rate
- Live rates (various update intervals)
- Custom Currency List - Choose only the currencies you need.
- Offline mode (no data traffic)
- Convert up to 22 currencies simultaneously
- Currency graphs (1 day - 5 years)
- Search function to add a new currency quickly
- Accuracy: sets the number of decimal numbers (0-5)
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