The Bed Census application of the E.S.E Southwest Integrated Health Services Subnetwork is made available EXCLUSIVELY to healthcare and administrative staff, so that the bed census of the different services can be controlled and monitored in each of the services. Subnet care offices, to enter you must authenticate with your username and password of the SURESOC portal.
This application in its initial version, will allow consultation and control of the census of beds, for the Hospitalization service, at the Kennedy, Tintal and Fontibón sites.
• Allows you to select the healthcare center for the consultation.
• Allows you to search for the bed, including by criteria of number known by the care staff.
• Facilitates the selection of the specific bed to consult.
• Identifies the selected bed status and patient information data.
• Allows registering the new state of the bed, according to the defined options
• It allows recording the observations, if necessary, so that the admissions area makes the respective correction in the HIS-DGH.
• Facilitates effective control and management of the bed census.
• Improves the timeliness of updating the correct records of the assigned beds in the HIS.
• Facilitates bed rotation control
• Quick and easy access to bed identification and status in real time.
• Improves communication between the care, admissions and billing areas, reducing billing glosses or losses.
This application in its initial version, will allow consultation and control of the census of beds, for the Hospitalization service, at the Kennedy, Tintal and Fontibón sites.
• Allows you to select the healthcare center for the consultation.
• Allows you to search for the bed, including by criteria of number known by the care staff.
• Facilitates the selection of the specific bed to consult.
• Identifies the selected bed status and patient information data.
• Allows registering the new state of the bed, according to the defined options
• It allows recording the observations, if necessary, so that the admissions area makes the respective correction in the HIS-DGH.
• Facilitates effective control and management of the bed census.
• Improves the timeliness of updating the correct records of the assigned beds in the HIS.
• Facilitates bed rotation control
• Quick and easy access to bed identification and status in real time.
• Improves communication between the care, admissions and billing areas, reducing billing glosses or losses.
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