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Ouielle Hair Couture

Ouielle Hair
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About Ouielle Hair Couture

Everything Hair. Shop hair extensions and pro tools. We are a leading supplier of supreme european hair extensions.

- Easy access to pro discounting
- Track and manage your orders
- Fast access to ordering and client tools
- Buy now Pay Later
- Exclusive Discounting and promos In app only.

“I founded Ouielle because I saw an industry of cheap over priced products that were anything but women centric. As a hair wearer who depends on hair extensions everyday I knew I had to change something. Hair shouldn’t be sold by using sex appeal or the male gaze. Hair extensions need to last, they need to be pure, ethical and I need to trust them. To me the truest expression of Ouielle is that we are here to support women, create a community and empower through education and fair trade.”

-Tessa Sechay, CEO

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