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Ansar Al mahdi

Al-Mahdi TV
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About Ansar Al mahdi

O boy loving Imam Al-Mahdi, peace be upon him, welcome to the game Ansar Al-Mahdi, peace be upon him

Before starting the game and explaining what happens in it, you must know that prayer, fasting, Hajj, the five, zakat, and helping the believers and being kind to them are among the basic qualities to be a soldier of the Imam Mahdi, peace be upon him.

In this game, you will play as "Mahdi", a loyal and faithful boy who wants to prepare himself to become one of the soldiers of the Imam, peace be upon him.

In the first stage, you have to learn self-discipline by obeying the orders you receive while playing by assembling the green banners that symbolize the authority of the Commander of the Faithful, peace be upon him, then collecting the red banners that symbolize the rebellions of Imam Hussein, peace be upon him, and then collecting the blue banners that also signify the rebellions of the Master of Martyrs. peace be upon him. After collecting the banners, you will get a sword, shield, and a special dress. This will qualify you to fight the enemies of the self that commands evil and the soldiers of Satan, and prepare the soul for purification to become one of the soldiers of the Imam.

In the second stage, which is the stage of waiting for Imam Al-Mahdi, peace be upon him, with patience, endurance, supplication and hope, and facing infidelity, tyranny, lying and hypocrisy. The goal of fighting and duel is to upgrade the soul and confront Satan’s soldiers only to be in corroboration of the noble verse “Strong against the infidels, merciful among themselves.”

In the third stage, dear Mahdi, you and the believers in God Almighty and those who are waiting for Imam Mahdi, peace be upon him, will be on an island that is the life of the world and its trials and tests. Lies, hypocrisy, hypocrisy, and love for the world will appear before you in the form of monsters. You have to confront them with knowledge, will and courage of Haidari, and by prayer and supplication for the people of the House of Prophethood, peace and blessings be upon them. Overcome them, and help your faithful brothers to obtain the approval of Imam Al-Mahdi, peace, mercy and blessings of God be upon you. on him.

And now, dear Mahdi, in the last stage, which is the stage which precedes the blessed appearance of Mawlana Al-Hujjah bin Al-Hassan, peace be upon him, and intensify the experiences and the soul to make you one of the enemies of religion. Here you must look into your heart at Imam Al-Mahdi, peace be upon him, and see what he asks of you. He asks you to be a worshiper, a fast worshiper, a servant of Hussein, peace be upon him, a helper for the poor and a defender of them. Defeat evil spirit monsters and soldiers of Satan to purify yourself from the impurity of the world and be ready to become a soldier of Imam to enter the ranks of his honorable followers..

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