This application offers you several hundred citations and fine words of love grouped into categories while mentioning the names of their respective authors.
The quotes are grouped by category: Fantasies; Tenderness; Passion; Love at first sight; Seduction; Loyalty; Temptation; Infidelity; Life as a couple; Sorry; Jealousy...
These quotes come from famous authors like Guy de Maupassant; Paul Valéry; Victor Hugo ; William Shakespeare ; François de La Rochefoucauld; Agatha Christie ; Epicurus; Jules Barbey d'Aurevilly; Laurent Gaudé; Sophie Marceau; Leclercq; Jacques Salome; Albert Camus ; Jean Rostand; Jacques Salome; etc ...
The quotes are grouped by category: Fantasies; Tenderness; Passion; Love at first sight; Seduction; Loyalty; Temptation; Infidelity; Life as a couple; Sorry; Jealousy...
These quotes come from famous authors like Guy de Maupassant; Paul Valéry; Victor Hugo ; William Shakespeare ; François de La Rochefoucauld; Agatha Christie ; Epicurus; Jules Barbey d'Aurevilly; Laurent Gaudé; Sophie Marceau; Leclercq; Jacques Salome; Albert Camus ; Jean Rostand; Jacques Salome; etc ...
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