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Assam Careerinfo: Job News in

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About Assam Careerinfo: Job News in

AssamCareerinfo is a apps that tracks the recent State Government Jobs in Assam and also includes the Central Government or the Public Sector Jobs for the aspirants of Assam. People can stay updated with latest jobs trending in the state presently at the earliest.

This app provides information regarding various job vacancies and position in various Central and State Governments fields, Public Sector Undertakings, Educational Institutions and Banks across Assam, and North Eastern states and the Information about Various Competitive Examinations Starting from 10+2.

This application has also incorporated the latest govt job updates for all Bank jobs, IBPS, Railway jobs, SSC recruitment, Engineering jobs, UPSC recruitment, Defense jobs, Police jobs, Indian Navy, Indian Army, government universities and other government jobs across the nation.

This app is linked with one of the popular website of Assam where we post all information about Assam and North East India. In this app we also provide SEBA Results, AHSEC Results and Other Update.

Disclaimer: We are NOT associated with any government, non-government, NGO or any company for profit.

Source: All government job information are provided by either government organisation to us or taken from their website only after due validation/ permission .

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