Add something new to your tabletop role playing games with animated creatures, characters, NPCs, scenery, and props. Use the app as a player and see what your character sees or customise your campaigns as a Game Master with the Creation Kit.
Join as a Player to;
-Connect with your party and play campaigns created by your GM
-Create and customise your character - more released regularly
-Explore animated settings and environmental effects
-Interact with objects, NPCs and creatures
-Keep track of your character’s current health state and condition during battles
Join as a Game Master to;
-Send information in secret with our in-app messaging
-Choose from hundreds of animated models to use in your campaigns
-Use the Creation Kit to create campaigns and customise encounters
Subscribe and unlock extra features and content
-Can be used with physical miniatures - remotely or face to face
-Compatible with all RPG systems
-Free 30 Day Trial
-Free Sample Packs and Adventures available in app
-The Haunting’ Licenced Call of Cthulhu Adventure Bundle - available in app now
Get the Ardent Roleplay Cards, including a FREE downloadable Print and Play set at or use the Image Gallery to view our Print and Play cards on another device at
-Nominated for Best Electronic Product (Best Aid or Accessory – Digital) ARPIA Awards 2019
-Join the Mailing List or Follow Us on Facebook for announcements, releases and resources.
Join as a Player to;
-Connect with your party and play campaigns created by your GM
-Create and customise your character - more released regularly
-Explore animated settings and environmental effects
-Interact with objects, NPCs and creatures
-Keep track of your character’s current health state and condition during battles
Join as a Game Master to;
-Send information in secret with our in-app messaging
-Choose from hundreds of animated models to use in your campaigns
-Use the Creation Kit to create campaigns and customise encounters
Subscribe and unlock extra features and content
-Can be used with physical miniatures - remotely or face to face
-Compatible with all RPG systems
-Free 30 Day Trial
-Free Sample Packs and Adventures available in app
-The Haunting’ Licenced Call of Cthulhu Adventure Bundle - available in app now
Get the Ardent Roleplay Cards, including a FREE downloadable Print and Play set at or use the Image Gallery to view our Print and Play cards on another device at
-Nominated for Best Electronic Product (Best Aid or Accessory – Digital) ARPIA Awards 2019
-Join the Mailing List or Follow Us on Facebook for announcements, releases and resources.
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