Opinion is an invaluable thing for shaping every progress, but also the root cause of all humanity's problems. This means striking the right balance between the new and the old ways of dealing with things. The world is now becoming more advanced, more complex and dynamic than ever, human minds are perhaps one of the most powerful but mysterious things in the universe as they continue to imagine and invent things to change the world.
Our T²: TESLA SQUARE application, spanning five AR-posters, is a concept of how we should properly understand the proper thought process and perception of digital transformation today and how to control it. Digital transformation begins with a change of mind, to awaken unlimited human potential. That is why we have presented five short stories in answer to the following questions: 1) What is the Mind? 2) What is digital transformation? 3) Analog and digital signal in harmony of mind, 4) Energy, frequency, vibration, 5) Nikola Tesla: Mastering the eye of the mind. The app will be used in further conversations with young people to better understand the functioning of their brain in the digital transformation process, but also to increase brain capacity in a more efficient way. T² application is a symbol of the spirit of international cooperation in the mission "Better science for a better humanity" inspired by Nikola Tesla's heritage, and wants to awaken a better synergy of partnership and functioning in the following fields: art, culture, education, books, film, music, innovations in technology , smart solutions, energy, space, etc.
Our T²: TESLA SQUARE application, spanning five AR-posters, is a concept of how we should properly understand the proper thought process and perception of digital transformation today and how to control it. Digital transformation begins with a change of mind, to awaken unlimited human potential. That is why we have presented five short stories in answer to the following questions: 1) What is the Mind? 2) What is digital transformation? 3) Analog and digital signal in harmony of mind, 4) Energy, frequency, vibration, 5) Nikola Tesla: Mastering the eye of the mind. The app will be used in further conversations with young people to better understand the functioning of their brain in the digital transformation process, but also to increase brain capacity in a more efficient way. T² application is a symbol of the spirit of international cooperation in the mission "Better science for a better humanity" inspired by Nikola Tesla's heritage, and wants to awaken a better synergy of partnership and functioning in the following fields: art, culture, education, books, film, music, innovations in technology , smart solutions, energy, space, etc.
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