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Flying Fishride

Bruh Gaming Game Studios TM Ltd. Inc.
5.0 out of 5
100+ downloads

About Flying Fishride

The game is about a poor little phish, who is just trying to survive in this cold and unforgiving earth. He has to overcome MULTIPLE different obstacles such as a block of stone and the slimy corals. This is the brand new entry in the BRUGGS gaming saga. This is not just a game, it's a lifestyle. If any member of our great BRUGGS team ever has kids, their first memory will definetely this game. Our developer team has worked hard on this game for a long time and we are happy to finally bring it to the hands of our loyal Bruh Gaming Game Studios tm ltd inc fanbase. So please welcome our newest game yet! FLYIIIIING FISHRIIIIIDE!!!

This game was developed by the great BRUGGS team!!!

Flying Fishride Screenshots