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Furniture crafting mod

Block king party
5,000+ downloads

About Furniture crafting mod

Villagers are now very useful, you can trade with them by exchanging emeralds for furniture. But not only furniture, you can craft musical instruments, play the drum with a stick. There are quite a lot of buildings on many maps, but inside there are only simple blocks and beds. With the new mod, you can fix the interior inside by adding statues, gaming chairs and tables, computers and other equipment. Every survival fan understands that realism can be added to the pixel world only by adding detailed textures. In the game, you can now craft furniture, electronic equipment and many other useful and functional equipment. The resource sets and behaviors are impressive, you are sure to impress your friends by showing off your new home. In order to emphasize our individuality, we have added skins that will turn you into furniture. The cube world with detailed furniture will become realistic and even more exciting for adventures.
Furniture crafting mod - minecraft mod is an unofficial application for MCPE. This app is not affiliated with Mojang AB, Minecraft name, MCPE brand and all Minecraft PE property is the property of Mojang AB or respected owner. According to

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