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성경게임 팔복

100+ downloads

About 성경게임 팔복

- Make a game with the words of the Beatitudes of the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5:3-10 of the Bible
It is a gospel app made to be memorized.
- The Beatitudes are expressed in 8 images that can be associated with the upper and lower parts, and the same image is moved to the center so that it can be recited.
- Whenever you move a picture, the corresponding word is repeatedly heard as a sound source.
- The sermon was recorded by Pastor Sungjin Jeong.
- There are game speed adjustment and sound ON/OFF in the unfold-settings, and there is a game method in the help.
-Expand-Share allows you to receive grace together by notifying the members around you.--- Internet data is not required after downloading.