Community Health Nursing icon

Community Health Nursing

Nursing Study
10,000+ downloads

About Community Health Nursing

This app Contain Following Topics
 Vaccination
 Cold Chain
 Polio Vaccine
 Vitamin A
 Other Miscellaneous Vaccine
 Level of Prevention
 Health Promotion Including Dimension of Health
 Mother Child Health (MCH)
 Health Communication
 Contraceptives
 Demography and Epidemiology
 Mortality and Morbidity
 Indicator of Health
 Epidemiological Terms
 Bio-Medical Waste
 HFA, Health Delivery System and PHC
 Health Planning in India including National, International Health Agencies & Professional Bodies
 National Health Programme
 Environmental Hygiene
 Occupational Health
 Disaster Management
 Vital Health Statistics
 Home Visit

Communicable Diseases like
 Measles
 Chickenpox
 Typhoid
 Diphtheria and Schick Test
 Tuberculosis
 Malaria
 Polio
 Cholera
 Mumps
 Dengue
 Rabies
 Whooping Cough (Pertussis)
 Leprosy
 Plague
 Kala azar

This app is usefull in Community health officer exam

Community Health Nursing Screenshots