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Get Rid Of Whiteheads

Timshel Digital
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About Get Rid Of Whiteheads

Get Rid Of Whiteheads | If you're looking at yourself in the mirror and what you see are pokey blackheads that shine bright and lumpy whiteheads that are waiting to burst open, then you're on the right page. We're going to help you treat and ward off those whiteheads and in the process, also help with blackheads. There are several natural home remedies to treat those nasty whiteheads. After acne, whiteheads and blackheads are our skin's worst nightmare. Let's rewind a bit: Our skin naturally produces some oil to keep itself moisturized and releases it through pores. When pores get blocked for some reason, the sebum or oil starts to collect and causes whiteheads or blackheads and in some cases, these lead to pimples or acne. Whiteheads are also known as closed comedones and blackheads are known as open comedones. Basically, they're clogged pores that occur when oil is trapped in your skin along with dead skin cells and bacteria which breeds on the oiliest parts of the skin. Experts will tell you that the area most affected is the T zone, your nose and forehead, and also some parts of your cheeks and chin.Blackheads and whiteheads are part of the same problem and form in the same way that acne do. The only difference is that in a blackhead, the pore is a bit bigger and dead keratinocytes that are exposed to air turn black. Whiteheads are covered by the epidermis and in smaller pores which makes them appear like the colour of your skin. If a whitehead is left in for too long, it can result in acne. Here's how - since the pore is completely blocked, the oil gland can get infected resulting in a pimple.

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