WorldEdit is a plugin that is an easy to use editor of the Game world. It supports both single and multiplayer games and allows you to: change thousands of blocks in a selected region at once, use more than 100 functions to change the world or eliminate various problems, and much more.
How to use:
First, get a charge of Fire. You can pull it directly from your creative inventory.
Now you need to select two points where you want to fill all the blocks between them. To do this, right-click with your fire charge on two blocks. If you mess up, just do it again. These are always the last two positions that you have chosen, which are taken into account.
Now it's time to fill in the area.
If you hold an invalid block while you print it, nothing will happen.
To copy and paste an area, select it using the charge of fire, go where you want to paste it.
Disclaimer: This application is not approved nor affiliated with Mojang AB, its name, commercial brand and other aspects of the application are registered brands and the property of their respective owners. This app adheres to the terms set out by Mojang. All items, names, places and other aspects of the game described within this application are trademarked and owned by their respective owners. We make no claim to and do not have any rights to any of the foregoing.
How to use:
First, get a charge of Fire. You can pull it directly from your creative inventory.
Now you need to select two points where you want to fill all the blocks between them. To do this, right-click with your fire charge on two blocks. If you mess up, just do it again. These are always the last two positions that you have chosen, which are taken into account.
Now it's time to fill in the area.
If you hold an invalid block while you print it, nothing will happen.
To copy and paste an area, select it using the charge of fire, go where you want to paste it.
Disclaimer: This application is not approved nor affiliated with Mojang AB, its name, commercial brand and other aspects of the application are registered brands and the property of their respective owners. This app adheres to the terms set out by Mojang. All items, names, places and other aspects of the game described within this application are trademarked and owned by their respective owners. We make no claim to and do not have any rights to any of the foregoing.
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