Word.io, a game with six chances to guess a five letter word.
After each guess, the letters that are in the right place, letters that are in the wrong place, and letters not in the word will become known to you.
Try to guess the word in as less chances as possible, without exceeding the six guess limit.
Includes complete visually impaired access!
Hold down on the screen to give voice commands to Word.io.
Includes several keywords used to communicate with the game: all available in game and below.
If you are a screen reader user, please turn it off while using the app - it works through voice commands independent of screen reader.
To enter a word, hold the screen and say the word. If the game has trouble understanding, spell it out.
To confirm entered word as a guess, say "Enter" or "Go".
If the game misheard the word, (before confirming) you may speak another word to overwrite it or say "Delete".
At any point if you wish to know a previous guess and its result, say the number of the word like "first" or "one".
To know the current word, that has not been confirmed as a guess yet, say "current" or "this".
To get a recap of all previous words guessed, say "describe".
To know all the letters that have been found at the right places, have become known to not be at certain places or have become known not to be in the word, say "letters".
To know your statistics of gameplay, say, "stats" or "statistics".
To exit voice commands say, "stop listening". If you accidentally close voice commands, completely close the app and reopen it, or - reinstall it, or restart your phone.
To exit the app say, "exit" or "close".
For instructions, say "instructions" or "help".
For vocabulary of keywords, say "vocabulary".
Special thanks to all those that helped in the development of this app and to all those in the visually impaired community that alpha tested it thoroughly.
After each guess, the letters that are in the right place, letters that are in the wrong place, and letters not in the word will become known to you.
Try to guess the word in as less chances as possible, without exceeding the six guess limit.
Includes complete visually impaired access!
Hold down on the screen to give voice commands to Word.io.
Includes several keywords used to communicate with the game: all available in game and below.
If you are a screen reader user, please turn it off while using the app - it works through voice commands independent of screen reader.
To enter a word, hold the screen and say the word. If the game has trouble understanding, spell it out.
To confirm entered word as a guess, say "Enter" or "Go".
If the game misheard the word, (before confirming) you may speak another word to overwrite it or say "Delete".
At any point if you wish to know a previous guess and its result, say the number of the word like "first" or "one".
To know the current word, that has not been confirmed as a guess yet, say "current" or "this".
To get a recap of all previous words guessed, say "describe".
To know all the letters that have been found at the right places, have become known to not be at certain places or have become known not to be in the word, say "letters".
To know your statistics of gameplay, say, "stats" or "statistics".
To exit voice commands say, "stop listening". If you accidentally close voice commands, completely close the app and reopen it, or - reinstall it, or restart your phone.
To exit the app say, "exit" or "close".
For instructions, say "instructions" or "help".
For vocabulary of keywords, say "vocabulary".
Special thanks to all those that helped in the development of this app and to all those in the visually impaired community that alpha tested it thoroughly.
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