This application was created in 2022 as part of the diploma thesis of Veronika Honová, a student of the study program Speech Therapy at the Faculty of Education, Palacký University in Olomouc. The final thesis will be freely accessible on the Internet after the defense, you can find it under the title "Creating an application for the development of communication in a child with developmental dysphasia", the supervisor is Mgr. Adéla Hanáková, Ph.D. The student collaborated with the programmer Bc. David Tomášek, Bc. and Bc. Jan Vanek.
As follows from the above title of the diploma thesis, the area of emotions is only the first swallow and the authors plan to supplement the application with additional exercises that would help the comprehensive development of clients with developmental dysphasia. For the purposes of the practical part of the diploma thesis, the area of emotions was elaborated. We have decided to give priority to this area mainly because there is currently a much smaller amount of materials available on the market focused on the area of emotions than on materials for the development of other areas. Although the application is primarily intended for clients with developmental dysphasia, due to the nature of the material, it can be used by other clients who have difficulties in the production or perception of emotions.
- literature:
TAYLOR, Lauren J., Murray T. MAYBERY, Luke GRAYNDLER, and Andrew J. O. WHITEHOUSE. Evidence for shared deficits in identifying emotions from faces and from voices in autism spectrum disorders and specific language impairment. Int J Lang Commun Disord. [online]. 2015, 50 (4), 452-466 [cited. 2022-3-1]. Available from: doi: 10.1111 / 1460-6984.12146
KLIMOVA, Kvetoslava. Morphology. In KOLÁŘOVÁ, Ivana, Květoslava KLÍMOVÁ, Přemysl HAUSER and Karla ONDRÁŠKOVÁ. Czech language: for primary school students. Prague: Grada, 2012, pp. 93-168. Pedagogy. ISBN 978-80-247-3358-6.
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As follows from the above title of the diploma thesis, the area of emotions is only the first swallow and the authors plan to supplement the application with additional exercises that would help the comprehensive development of clients with developmental dysphasia. For the purposes of the practical part of the diploma thesis, the area of emotions was elaborated. We have decided to give priority to this area mainly because there is currently a much smaller amount of materials available on the market focused on the area of emotions than on materials for the development of other areas. Although the application is primarily intended for clients with developmental dysphasia, due to the nature of the material, it can be used by other clients who have difficulties in the production or perception of emotions.
- literature:
TAYLOR, Lauren J., Murray T. MAYBERY, Luke GRAYNDLER, and Andrew J. O. WHITEHOUSE. Evidence for shared deficits in identifying emotions from faces and from voices in autism spectrum disorders and specific language impairment. Int J Lang Commun Disord. [online]. 2015, 50 (4), 452-466 [cited. 2022-3-1]. Available from: doi: 10.1111 / 1460-6984.12146
KLIMOVA, Kvetoslava. Morphology. In KOLÁŘOVÁ, Ivana, Květoslava KLÍMOVÁ, Přemysl HAUSER and Karla ONDRÁŠKOVÁ. Czech language: for primary school students. Prague: Grada, 2012, pp. 93-168. Pedagogy. ISBN 978-80-247-3358-6.
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