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Spanish English Translator

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About Spanish English Translator

Spanish English translator, Traductor Inglés Español
This free app is able to translate words and texts from english to spanish, and from spanish to english.
Esta aplicación gratuita es capaz de traducir palabras y textos de inglés a español, y del español al inglés.

- voice input for text available
- you can translate offline, without internet connection
- share translations with your friends and contacts
- if you are a student, tourist or traveler, it will helps you to learn the language!
- Spanish is spoken in countries like United States, Mexico, Colombia, Argentina, Chile, Spain, Equador and others.
Uses of Spanish English Translator are following:
- Spanish English Translation
- English Spanish Translation
- Mexican English Translator
- English Mexican Translator
- Simple User Interface(Easy to use for Translator)
- Listen translated text, sentence in English or Spanish
- Used as a Spanish to English dictionary or English to Spanish Dictionary.
- Social Media - Easily share with Friends and Family.
• English ↔ Spanish dictionary.
• English ↔ Spanish translator.
• English → Spanish 130,000 words and phrases.
• Spanish → English 102,000 words and phrases.
• Test, writing, flashcard, dual game and more...
• English irregular verbs.
• English phrasal verbs
• 2,600 phrases

Spanish English Translator Screenshots