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Азкараш (1уйрана а сайрана деш

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بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ
الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ وَالصَّلَاةُ وَالسَّلَامُ عَلَى رَسُولِنَا مُحَمَّدٍ وَعَلَى آلِهِ وَصَحْبِهِ أَجْمَعِينَ

Ukh zhaina t1a b1ashag1teha da 1yranei sairanei wai Payhamaro (Allahla salot-salam hilda tsunna, tsun dezalashta a, tsun ashyabashta a, radyaAllah1u 1ankh1um, tzar tiehya A mel'min wolchoa dash a. Ukh duiasha (azkarasha) Dala nizatsa, t1argam (shield) sanna loravergwa sag b1argah a, bozbuachalah a, khydolcha vocha h1amaeh a, x1ara diynahya uzha deshash hilcha.
Allah1a kahetam bolba er zhai v1ashag1tohash dak'a mel lazachokh.
Allah1a 1ilmah sovdohalda wai, Allah1o niisa dyn-khetam lulba vaina.
Allah1a loradolda vai jinashta yuk'era dolcha shait1aehi, naha yukye dolcha shait1ay balkhehi, king of zulamehi! Amine!

This book contains morning and evening azkars (remembrances of Allah), which are reliably transmitted from our beloved Prophet ﷺ. With the help of Allah, these azkars will be indestructible protection and a reliable shield from the evil eye, damage and other harm for those who read them daily. May Allah have mercy on everyone who helped compose and translate these azkars.
May Allah increase our knowledge and give correct understanding in religion. May Allah protect us from those who are trying or have already done harm to us with the help of the shaitan from among the jinn and people.

Tskhatsadolcha alapashta tla belgalonash I, masala: s̊ - sod ص, d̊ - dod ض, z̊ -zo ظ, č - sa ث, ž - hall ذ. Lakhe thaw with a comma "ʻ" - dosha dekash I deschacha khan, hloagla khyarak "ъ" - leladu sa'ka da'cha h1amza metta.

In the transcription, over some letters there are certain signs, for example: c̊ - sod ص, d̊ - dod ض, z̊ -zo ظ, č - sa ث, ž - zal ذ. The upper comma "‘ "- serves as a separation of one word when reading, a solid sign" ъ "- is used as a sukunirovanny hamza" ءْ ".

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