🌠HopStar is one of the most essential home brewing apps for hop research and management. Browse through over a hundred hop varieties and find the perfect one for you and your homebrew. Filter and search by country of origin, flavours, aromas and oil levels. HopStar does everything but fold your clothes.
🌍Worldwide Choice
As you all know, where a hop comes from is often as important as its variety. With HopStar, you can search and filter by countries all over the world. Don’t limit your homebrew to just one country. Go wild.
🗄Built-in Inventory
With HopStar, you’ll never forget what hops you currently have to hand! Simply add them to your inventory, and HopStar will remember them for you. Isn’t that helpful?
👀Substitute Finder
Don’t have access to the exact hops you need for your brew? No worries! HopStar will recommend the absolute best substitute for your missing hops based on flavor. How incredibly useful!
🍎🍊Side by side comparison
👴👵Meet the Parents
Curious about a hop's ancestry? With HopStar you can trace back each and every hop variety. Knowledge is power!
🍴Flavor/Aroma Descriptors
Can’t decide what type of hop would fit your desired homebrew recipe? HopStar has got you covered! With descriptors on flavor and aroma for each and every hop variety, you’ll never have to guess again!
🌱🔬Oil Breakdowns & Alpha Compositions
It’s well and fine being the best in home brewing apps, but what if you want to get a little more nerdy with your hop details? We’re way ahead of you. Use HopStar to get breakdowns of oil and the Alpha, Beta and Co-Humulone compositions of any hops your heart desires.
🎁Coming Soon:
More advanced searches by characteristics, min/max compositions, included flavors.
Search filter for similarities of oils in various hops.
Help contribute to hop aroma/taste profiles with state of the art feedback forms.
Request more features @ www.facebook.com/HopStarApp
🌍Worldwide Choice
As you all know, where a hop comes from is often as important as its variety. With HopStar, you can search and filter by countries all over the world. Don’t limit your homebrew to just one country. Go wild.
🗄Built-in Inventory
With HopStar, you’ll never forget what hops you currently have to hand! Simply add them to your inventory, and HopStar will remember them for you. Isn’t that helpful?
👀Substitute Finder
Don’t have access to the exact hops you need for your brew? No worries! HopStar will recommend the absolute best substitute for your missing hops based on flavor. How incredibly useful!
🍎🍊Side by side comparison
👴👵Meet the Parents
Curious about a hop's ancestry? With HopStar you can trace back each and every hop variety. Knowledge is power!
🍴Flavor/Aroma Descriptors
Can’t decide what type of hop would fit your desired homebrew recipe? HopStar has got you covered! With descriptors on flavor and aroma for each and every hop variety, you’ll never have to guess again!
🌱🔬Oil Breakdowns & Alpha Compositions
It’s well and fine being the best in home brewing apps, but what if you want to get a little more nerdy with your hop details? We’re way ahead of you. Use HopStar to get breakdowns of oil and the Alpha, Beta and Co-Humulone compositions of any hops your heart desires.
🎁Coming Soon:
More advanced searches by characteristics, min/max compositions, included flavors.
Search filter for similarities of oils in various hops.
Help contribute to hop aroma/taste profiles with state of the art feedback forms.
Request more features @ www.facebook.com/HopStarApp
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